Kick Racism out of Football

Kick Racism out of Football We live in a world or rather a generation, where everything is progressive. Technology is so rapidly improving that it is taking over nearly every aspect in our daily life. You can do nearly everything on your phones now, ranging from staying connected to friends across the world, to creating and promoting a business to paying your bills. Soon using oil would (or should) become obsolete as we move more towards wind-powered and electrical based platforms to power our daily lives. Why point out all this in a football blog? Because I think that its really ironic is a very disgusting way, that we have moved leaps and bounds in so many aspects of life with respect to technology and lifestyles and even acceptable of people’s difference, yet we are in 2018 and the most popular sport in the world is still infected with racism. I think it is almost fitting that in a year where LGBT community is gaining its most social acceptance thus far from the genera...